The Hive Generator


An Intuitive Development Program Creating Success for Entrepreneurs

Business Coaching


Tap into your magic using your intuition to heighten your success


Awaken your Intuition, Activate your Prana, Acknowledge your Creativity and Align yourself with your Passion, Purpose and Magic


I will show you—with evidence—that when you partner with Spirit, you can create a vision for your life & your business greater than your fears and beyond your wildest expectations.
— The Hive Generator

The Hive Generator

Your 8-week Mentorship Program will be an absolute game changer!

The Hive Generator Program is your Seasonal Alignment Model for Business Success

Generating a Hive of Creativity, Productivity and Sustainability.

Awaken your Mind

Activate your Body

Acknowledge your Spirit

Align to your Passion, Purpose & Magic through your innate Intuition
— The Hive Generator

It’s time to Cultivate the energy of Spring to leverage your business practices and performance.

You will learn the fundamental building blocks to a successful venture.

The Seasonal Alignment Model: 4 Dimensions to a Live & work by.

I will share with you 4 simple dimensions to creating a successful business model. Everything you need to consider, from the conception, to the birth and beyond.

The Seasonal Alignment Model offers a comprehensive framework for entrepreneurs to navigate the complexities of building and growing a successful business. By aligning each dimension with care and attention, you can nurture your business like a parent would their child, guiding it towards sustainable growth and prosperity.

  • Connection is the cornerstone of any endeavor, serving as the guiding force that shapes the qualitative aspects of our actions. By fostering a deep understanding of our purpose, we gain clarity on why we do what we do and how each task contributes to the bigger picture. Without this vital link, we risk becoming mired in directionless tasks that lack meaning. To ensure our goals are within reach, it is essential to nurture the connection at the core of our business. This is where purpose, vision, and mission converge to form the driving force behind our actions. By aligning our personal values, beliefs, and standards with the inner workings of our business, we create a harmonious blend that propels us towards success. Embracing the power of connection not only ensures coherence in our endeavors but also paves the way for a purpose-driven journey.

  • The second code emphasises rhythm and intuition as crucial elements of the journey towards manifesting your vision. By establishing rituals that align with your purpose, values, and definition of success, you pave the way for bringing your aspirations to fruition. It is essential to first establish a clear CONNECTION before delving into CYCLES. Failure to do so may result in focusing on insignificant details devoid of purpose. Cycles are meant to guide your actions, not dictate them. They assist in identifying the rhythm of the life you wish to lead, understanding your personal cycles, and harmonising with the natural seasons and cycles. By developing daily practices and seasonal rituals, you can cultivate a sense of effortless productivity in your endeavors.

  • Collect data to identify goals and establish benchmarks.

    Yield actions aligned with committed goals to drive progress.

    Challenge yourself to meet or exceed established benchmarks.

    Learn from outcomes to adjust actions and improve efficiency.

    Evaluate regularly to ensure alignment with commitments.

    Sustain momentum by consistently referencing benchmarks.

    To effectively implement your commitment, follow these steps in the CYCLES framework. Collect data to set specific goals and benchmarks, take actions aligned with your commitment, challenge yourself to meet these benchmarks, learn from your outcomes, evaluate regularly to stay on track, and sustain momentum by consistently referencing your benchmarks. This approach will help you take the necessary actions and compare them against established standards to achieve your desired outcomes efficiently.

  • Community Comes Last for a Great Reason

    To cultivate successful relationships that serve us well, it is essential to prioritise values, standards, expectations, and actively seek out like-minded individuals beyond our initial expectations. The foundation of a thriving community lies in establishing strong connections, recognising natural cycles, and maintaining unwavering commitment to personal and collective growth. By aligning ourselves with positive people who embody these qualities, we foster a productive environment conducive to mutual support, innovation, and shared success. Embracing the right connections and collaborations can transform mere associations into a robust community that empowers and propels us toward our goals.

The Next Vision of You



Bees are known for their remarkable capacity to build and achieve great things. Just like these industrious insects, you possess the ability to accomplish remarkable feats. You understand how to savour the sweetness that life offers and you are adept at utilising your energy wisely. Your intentions remain consistently fixed on a clear path and goal in life.

The Hive Generator

What you will receive over 8 weeks

8 weeks of high-level 1:1 mentoring

  • A intuitive guided reading, giving you insight into your creative potential and all the possibilities available to you in the Quantum Field.

  • Weekly coaching strategy sessions to inform, inspire and empower you into action. Together we will brainstorm ideas and concepts and build upon this using a proven framework to create, market and launch your idea out into the world.

  • Included: Recorded tutorials, workbooks, meditations, & other resources

  • Access to on-going support for direct feedback & mentoring via email and Voxer.

$888 all inclusive *Payments plans available