Student wellbeing underpins every aspect of a student’s schooling and more complex life experiences of learning, engagement and social relationships.

Our 4 focused programs offer a complete and holistic experience of personal development at such critical times during a students life.

Your Value, Your Virtue

Building Your Self Belief

Your Roles and Identity

Nurturing Your Needs


Keeping students Informed, inspired and motivated to learn and engage

Our programs both directly and indirectly aim to make positive impacts on the magnitude of issues affecting our students today.

  • Academic stress

  • Relationships

  • Identity, gender and sexuality

  • Body image

  • Bullying and cyber bullying

  • Social media and screen time

  • Managing emotions

  • Mental health issues

  • Grief and loss

  • Addiction and substance use

  • Screen use

  • Personal boundaries, consent and safety

Connection: Students will develop an awareness of their own emotional states, needs and perspectives through the understanding of the individuals values, beliefs, and needs.

Cycles: Understanding ones unique rhythms and cycles connecting to their body and its functioning will support students to effectively regulate, manage and monitor their own emotional responses and ultimately thrive in all areas of their life.

Commitment: Students will learn how to implement strategies in completing tasks and overcoming obstacles with a new found inspiration to their commitments.

Community: Students will learn to show respect for and understand others’ perspectives, emotional states and needs. Students will learn to negotiate and communicate effectively with others, work in teams, positively contribute to groups and collaboratively make decisions, resolve conflict and reach positive outcomes.

In House School Programs


Programs are designed to be flexible and tailored to individuals school curricular needs and allocations.



Mindset Coach Charlott K & Holistic Nutritionist Shauna Jayne will take students on a journey to develop vital social, emotional and cognitive skills that will help them function in an ever-changing world.


Shauna J King will share her knowledge on how to tune into the rhythm and cycles of our body, and Earth’s seasons, to create optimal flow and sustainability in your everyday practices through holistic nutrition to support growing bodies.


Charlott K will demonstrate strategies on how to have a continued growth mindset with resilience during those challenging times in our lives. As with wellbeing, our mental health is influenced by a range of biological, social, emotional, cognitive and environmental factors. Some of these factors are within our control, whereas others are largely out of our control.

It is helpful for students to be aware of their own mental health and where they are on the continuum at different points in time. They might notice they feel more tired than usual. They may feel worried, stressed or sad more days than not. They may be socially withdrawn or irritable with their family. An understanding of common signs and symptoms, and an awareness of their own mental state, can help students to identify mental health concerns early and seek help to improve their wellbeing.