school staff wellbeing PROGRAMS

Your people matter

Your workplace and employees' wellbeing is your greatest virtue.

Request to receive an information pack to discover how we can support your workplace.


Australians are currently struggling to make their health and wellbeing a priority and are increasingly challenged for a variety of reasons, to access wellbeing education within the demanding resource constraints of both professional and personal lifestyles. 

  • Your workplace is an accessible and responsive community setting to both advocate and lead professional development opportunities in informing, inspiring and empowering wellbeing. 

  • Employee, professional health and wellbeing programs conducted within the workplace serve to benefit both the personal wellbeing of the individuals and the overall workplace wellbeing.

  • Your workforce is your most valuable asset.

  • Happier and healthier employees, given time and the opportunity to prioritise self care and their health are more likely to be more sustainably resilient and experience improved health outcomes.


After the last few years we are beginning to appreciate the true value of our health and wellbeing unlike ever before. The stark reality of the state of our health as a nation in 2023 is that we are suffering from complex burdens to our health in mind, body and in spirit, as individuals and as communities. 

Many of us as individuals have experienced how a life limiting illness and or injury can be personally, professionally, financially, emotionally. Without a state of well being and sense of health, we face chronic and acute uncertainty, more complex challenges socially, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

So how are we doing collectively? 

The sobering facts are:

  • Just under half of all Australian adults (47%) are currently  living with one or more chronic diseases. Diseases that are considered preventable (including arthritis, asthma, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and mental and behavioural conditions).

  • In the  last year of 2022, more adult Australian's than ever before (11.6%) were recorded as experiencing some form of severe psychological distress

  • That 1 in 5 (21%) people who had experienced a mental disorder in their lifetime had symptoms in the 12 months. For these people, anxiety disorders were the most prevalent type of disorder (17%).

  • Shockingly suicide remains the greatest cause of death for teens and adults aged 15-44 years of age.

  • An average of 9 people died every day by suicide in 2020 (3,139 deaths). Males are 3 to 4 times as likely as females to take their own life and yet females are more likely to make an attempt or be hospitalised for intentional self-harm. 

  • Two thirds of our population are overweight and this has been steadily increasing over the past 2 decades, increasing the burden of (preventative) chronic disease morbidities. 

  • 60% of our population feel they have less than adequate health literacy. 


Shine's trained and experienced facilitators offer a range of wellness programs curated for outcome quality experiences and education, empowering holistic wellbeing through the exploration and application of growth mindset strategies, nutritional health, creative therapy and ecology, curated around evidence based and health promoting interventions.

Programs can be tailored to meet your organisational needs including in-house facilitated talks, to specialised one day or weekly programs and or retreat experiences.

We also offer online educational resources and programs in the digital space.


Shine is offering your business with your team the opportunity to seek and gain more from their day to day health and wellbeing experiences. For you and your workplace to champion and be an advocate for the health and wellbeing of your individual team members and as a collective community. 

Shine is flexible in the delivery of our programs and is open to discussions on tailored wellbeing development needs for your employees.

We would really love to connect with you in person and get to know what your workplace and its people need in order to thrive, not simply survive, and for us to have the opportunity to get to know each other and how we can support you.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries. 

Enquire with us today to receive an information pack and to discover how we can support your workplace.

Happier and healthier employees are more likely to be higher performing, more resilient and more empowered.

Happier and healthier employees are more likely to be higher performing, more resilient and more empowered.

We believe as an education initiative, we have something truly remarkable to offer your workplace, at this most poignant and significant time.

Shine was created to provide you, your workplace, your local community centres, health groups and our global community, access to wellbeing workshops, programs, and seminars.

Our Individual workshops, and programs can be tailored to meet your organisations needs.

Shine offers specialised, evidence based, holistic health programs curated by professionals to empower, advocate and improve the wellbeing experiences of your individual team members within your workspace and or community organisations. Shine offers quality experiences and education in holistic wellbeing practices through the exploration of mindset strategies, nutritional health and art therapy with highly skilled and experienced facilitators.

Workplace Wellbeing

Creating a happy & healthy workplace for everyone.


Our Wellbeing Programs are designed to teach skills for wellness that help participants live their best lives. The journey of Empowerment is built on support, personal responsibility, self-advocacy and education. Our Shine team creates safe, supportive spaces for people to actively engage. Mindset strategies, Nutritional guidance and Creative projects are all part of the holistic approach for participants to learn and improve themselves both mentally, physically and Spiritually.

Workplace Wellbeing

Shine Wellbeing Workplace Development Programs can be tailored to meet your organisational needs.

  • Whole Day Wellbeing Experience

  • Half Day Wellbeing Workshop

  • Weekly Wellbeing Discovery

  • Individual Seminars in Growth Mindset, Holistic Nutrition and Art Therapy.


Explore mindset strategies, personal values & belief constructs and reclaim the life one truly desires in health and wellbeing.


Connect and listen to the language of the body and to the why and how nourishing ones wellbeing with food as medicine can reclaim the life one truly desires.


Discover the creative expression of the self through a variety of creative experiences and reclaim a more embodied experience of wellbeing and the life one truly desires.

Why health promotion in the
workplace and why now? 

Australians are currently struggling to make their health and wellbeing a priority and struggle to access wellbeing education within the demanding resource constraints of both professional and personal lifestyles. With our current global pandemic, creating an even more burdened workforce within the essential service sector, there is now a critical and vital need for the sustainable health outcomes of our communities.

Employee, professional health and wellbeing programs conducted within the workplace serve to benefit both the personal wellbeing of the individuals and the overall workplace wellbeing. 

Happier and healthier employees, given time and the opportunity to prioritise self care and their health and wellbeing are more likely to be more sustainably resilient and experience improved health outcomes in the face of this ever evolving pandemic health crisis.

We all have a responsibility for the welfare of each other


Why is wellbeing education so important to access within the workplace?

The WHO recognises the workplace as a key avenue for health promotion, with the average working Australian spending more time working than on any other daily activity, with one third of their adult life spent at work.

The workplace and its provisions and culture on health and wellbeing are one of the key social determinants on ones health and wellbeing experiences and that of Australian families.

Employee health and wellbeing programs conducted within the workplace serve to benefit both the personal wellbeing of the individual and the overall workplace wellbeing.

Employee health and wellbeing programs are of benefit to workers as they target individuals’ health and wellbeing while at the same time benefiting the employer by assisting to prevent escalating costs, assisting to increase productivity and assisting to improve morale and worker retention.

Happier and healthier employees are more likely to be higher performing, more resilient and mindful.

We all have a responsibility for the welfare of each other.

Enquire with us today to receive an information pack and to discover how we can support your workplace.
We acknowledge and deeply respect the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation, past present and emerging, as the traditional owners and custodians of Corhanwarrabul (Mt Dandenong), the blessed land from which we thrive.