Shauna Jayne

Holistic ~ Seasonal ~ Master Nutritionist ~ Wellness Practitioner


"Let Food Be Your Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food." Hippocrates

I wholeheartedly believe in your nutritional health as being one of your greatest virtues.
— "Shauna Jayne" Your Holistic Nutritionist and Wellness Practitioner

Your nutritional health is one of the most critical ingredients in your life story and experiences of health and or ill health. So I welcome you into this opportunity to renewing a more loving, conscious connection to your beautiful body and the way in which you choose to nourish yourself.

Working with me as your Nutritionist you will be taken on an explorative journey into the language and genius of your body, building a loving and compassionate connection with your incredible body. I will guide you into a whole new way of approaching food as a form of nourishment, connecting deeply to the medicine of plant food and whole, seasonal produce.

This connection is also forged by attuning to your environment and how a seasonal and environmental awareness and connection underpins your holistic nutritional health behaviours and your general wellbeing.

You will journey into a place of knowing and empowerment to actively pursue nutritional behaviours that serve to holistically nourish your body so that you can thrive.

Why not begin your journey with me here and now with this Free , 7 day Guided meditation Chakra series.

A foundation and a beginning to transform the way you relate to food, your body and the way you nourish your mind, body and spirit.


Holistic Nutritional Consultations: 1:1

One of the most impactful ways you can enhance and transform your health is by the way you fuel your life. Get informed, inspired and empowered to relate to food in a whole new and exciting way.

I specialise in:

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease

  • Gut Health and the biome

  • Nourishing health for chronic disease

  • Childhood, adolescent and family nutritional health


seasonal tune up

For real transformative wellbeing outcomes, commit to more health and co create your seasonal nutritional blueprint. Taking loving action over the coming season and connecting to the true potential of your nutritional health. This is when, where and how you really receive transformational outcomes.

Family Nourishment

Feeding fussy, dynamic families can be some of our most challenging daily obligations and yet also your most powerful and significant ways you can empower your families health. Finding the way to bring joy, to connect, to nourish the nutritional needs of everybody in your family is both an art and a science.