Connect with your Body


Throughout my experiences and research in both the allopathic (conventional) and holistic health modalities, as a practitioner, a patient and as an academic, the number one stark observation holding people back from being able to engage in behaviours that move us toward greater experiences of well being is a culture of disconnect.

  • A disconnect within our relationship to oneself.

  • A disconnect within our relationship to the natural world.


  • We live in a highly  externalised, extraneous world. Removed from ourselves and from the laws of nature.

  • We live in a world that is now super charged with external stimulus. Taking our attentions elsewhere and everywhere else.

  • We live in a highly disposable world, highly resourced, accessible world. Where we now have been conditioned to thrive on convince in all its forms.

HOW do we reclaim this?

  • Through cultivating a greater conscious awareness and connection with the cosmos of your body, her language and her purpose.

  • Through cultivating a greater conscious relationship and connection to the laws of nature.

These two foundational elements in self actualisation underpin how we  nourish ourselves the way we do. By generating a greater consciousness and connection to your body and to the laws of nature, your nutritional behaviours will naturally be more aligned to your greatest desired experiences in well being.

Consider this…As sentient, human beings we are physically, mentally and spiritually made up of the same elemental energy that created our planet. That we inherently are designed to rhythm in accordance to the laws of nature.

Our physical bodies are akin to the very earth we walk on. The elements in nature are the very substances that our bodies are built from. The water that flows within our great oceans runs through our bloodstreams. The energy the sun emits is the same fire or flame that heats our bodies and burns within us. The oxygen and life giving forces of breath or prana within our bodies is part of a symbiotic relationship that exists between the plant and animal worlds.

  • When we connect to nature, we connect to our bodies.

  • When we connect to our bodies we hear what our bodies are either whispering or perhaps screaming.

  • When we listen to our bodies language we have the wisdom to improve our wellbeing.

  • When we improve our wellbeing, we are our more of our authentic selves.

You can tap into any part of nature, because it is inherently within you. The truth remains – you are nature and nothing can take that away from you!



Shauna King

Associate Nutritionist

Charlott Kisvarda