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May: Your Seasonal Immunity

  • Shine Studio via Zoom Webinar Australia (map)

Your Immune Health.

ATTENTION: Our monthly community wellbeing workshops will be run as an online and recorded webinar for the next few months so we can continue to connect and empower us all to give some love into the well of our beings.

Join Shauna, Master Nutritionist for this highly engaging, informative, and much needed webinar.

With over 25 years of professional, academic and real life experience as a health educator, Shauna has brought this full circle with her deep reverence of food as medicine.

With her unique fascination with the physiology of our bodies and an even more passionate intent in cultivating nutritional consciousness, Shauna with a Masters in Human Nutrition, will shape-shift your relationship with food as medicine.

In this very poignant and serendipitous workshop you will feel informed, inspired and empowered to support your immune function so that you may thrive into Autumn and beyond into Winter.

Discover the genius of your immune system.

~ Connect with your body and your cellular function in order to support your immune health
~ What is your immune system and how do we govern its potential?
~ What does our gut and nervous systems have to do with our immune health?
~ How does stress impact our immune function and how do we regulate and manage our stress?

Learn how to best support and nourish your immune function using food as medicine.

~ What are the star nutritional ingredients for our Autumnal Immune function
~ Where and how do we best receive these ingredients from a plant based, seasonal diet?
~ Discover plant and herbal medicines that are your nutritional must haves for your Autumn wellbeing.
~ Receive a pod full of Autumn recipes and immune supportive, nutritional tips and resources.

Shine Into Autumn by designing your own Nutritional Blueprint and thrive.

This event is a live webinar run through an easy use online zoom “room”. It will be recorded so for those unable to attend live it is available for the benefit of all.