Shine into Winter ~ wellbeing workshop for girls aged 14-17 ~ Restore your vital needs.
A four hour workshop from 10am to 2pm at our Shine studio in the beautiful Dandenong ranges
Shine's holistic wellbeing workshop ~Shine into Winter~ is designed for young woman between the age of 14-17 years of age, to build and develop positive relationships to self, community and nature.
Our Shine into Winter workshop and its health and wellbeing focused content is designed to engage young woman in fun, reflective, practical and creative learning experiences in a highly supportive and nurtured environment.
Awaken your Mind
Explore and uncover what you ultimately desire in your wellbeing, and the vision of what is possible. Discover your vital needs, and how they have come to be part of your being and how these shape your life experiences both resourcefully and un resourcefully.
Activate your Body
Connect and listen to the language of your body and understand why and how you can best nourish yourself with food as medicine. Cultivating the belief that good balanced nutrition is key to both immediate and longterm experiences of health and wellbeing.
Acknowledge your Spirit
Expressing oneself creatively is a powerful way to connect to the essence of your spirit. Creative expression is a playful way to learn about oneself and how this self care tool can be tapped into easily, anywhere, anytime.
Align your Wellbeing
Following the journey through Mind Body Spirit, this is where we create a seasonal wellbeing blueprint. Essential for you.
You will receive
A seasonal workbook to journal in and take home.
Full professional facilitation in Mindfulness, Holistic Nutrition & Art therapy.
Guided meditation and a link to Shines Soundcloud to access whenever you need.
All art materials supplied to create your own nature based Dreamcatcher.