Your Seasonal Health and Wellbeing. The ecology of your inner and outer worlds...

Your Seasonal Health and Wellbeing.

The ecology of your inner and outer worlds

An integral, potent and sustainable resource in managing health and wellbeing is paying constant loving attention to the detail of our outer worlds and how this is informing, inspiring and empowering our well of being.

Both the seasons of change and of consistency are within us all as we cycle through life's journey.

Our natural world is a highly governed and ordered, beautiful chaos that allows the very genius of life's expression to manifest in infinite ways on this incredible planet we know as earth.

Our human manifestation is also a highly governed and ordered, beautiful chaos that allows the very genius of life's expression to manifest in infinite ways, in different ways, in seasonal ways.

The time we spend on earth is not linear but moves in cycles. Our bodies, emotions, minds and spirits are intimately connected to the natural rhythms of the sun, the moon, and the seasons. to our earths responses to its cosmic play.

Our inner worlds mirror and are a refection of our outer world experiences.

We enjoy better physical, mental, and spiritual health when we connect with our natural cyclical momentum, feel into the rhythm and transformations of change and co create a life that is aligned to this constant changing expansion and contraction. Giving ourselves the grace to feel this myriad of experiences.

The expansion and the contraction, in every day, in every moon cycle, in every years cycle. Constant unwavering rhythms and cycles.

Change and transformation is but one of consistency and certainyy within our natural laws.

The Seasons of Change

Each of the four seasons carries its own energy and invites us to shift our priorities and patterns to stay in alignment with how the earth is turning. Generally, spring and summer support outward activity and new growth and development, the expansion, the waxing. While autumn and winter encourage the turning or furling inward and settling into recuperation, the contraction, the waning.


Our annual ecological cycle begins in our growth cycle, the season of spring. The time in our annual cycle of renewal. When the sun's energy and force begins to edge its way closer to our planetary bodies, our days begin to lengthen, light is stretched, life begins to unfurl. The sun gifts the earth power, light source for growth and the opportunity to begin.

The vernal equinox in late September in the southern hemisphere is a time in our cosmic cycle where the tilt of our planet edges closer to our energy source the sun, creating the every gracefull and subtle expansion of light and the enhanced warmth from the solar star.

The equinox and our shoulder seasons give us the energy of harmony, balance, equilibrium and where in the annual cycle the pairing of opposites falls upon us in equal measure. When night and day equalise and then continues the expansion and lengthening into the season of summer and it’s solstice.

Spring gifts us a new beginning and a time in the annual cycle to renew what it is that we truely believe in.


When our hemisphere tilts finally to its edge, reaching into its extremities, we experience the expansive light season of Summer. A highly productive and fuelled season in the development cycle in the growth cycle. A time to be in our vitality and full bloom.

A time to revitalise and practice living aligned to your values.

Upon reaching the solstice in late December, our greatest lean in toward the sun, we celebrate the revitalising nature of our longest sun-sourced day. From hereon, our graceful planet begins leaning back, drawing away from source, nudging ever so slightly back into the contracted seasons of Autumn and Winter.


In late March we reach our Autumnal equinox. Our growth cycle begins to retract, contract and draw in and down until the sun aligns with our earth's axis. We reclaim our balance, we begin to retract back in and down, reclaiming our energy and storing our light.

A time to reflect on our vital needs and the things we hold onto un resourcefully, ready to shed and to release.

We again for the second time in the annual cycle get to experience an opportunity to observe the balancing forces of light and shadow for a moment in time! From hereon the descent, the contraction, the great letting go deepens until the decay and the downturn is complete upon our Winter solstice in late June.


Where we reach our opposite edge, the place where restoration begins to take form. Our great sun sits shy in the big deep sky, retreated and the burrow of winter is now upon us, laid bare, sleeping, resting. With the contraction of the light and the expansion of the dark, we are gifted the space and energy to restore.

We pass through this time of great darkness, a place the shadows have not simply lurked but have thrived. Nature hibernates, contracts, restores until the light begins to edge its way back in, the days again begin to length and we find ourselves back into the unfurling and the great reveal and renewability of Spring.

A time to restore your sense of self in mind, body, spirit and to rest.

And so it cycles with certainty, rhythm and law, around and around the sun we turn, renewing, revitalising, reclaiming and restoring our wells of being.

Connecting into the mystery of our planet and her expression is an infinite source of information, inspiration and empowerment.

Bring an attention to your present well of being and your needs in this season of you.

Charlott Kisvarda