Finding Your Way Home…To Being Well.

Have you ever been drawn to and visited any of the world's natural wonders such as Uluru, the Northern Lights, The Great Barrier Reef, the Andes or Himalayan Mountain Ranges?

Have you visited and held commune with any of the world's sacred sites and monuments such as Machu Picchu, The Great Pyramids of Giza or Stonehenge? To seek and soak up the mystical wonder, vibration, resonance of our ancient human story and legend and our place here on this incredible planet of plenty and beauty?

Sat within the holy spaces of temples that revere the gods of its people and their connection to the cosmos bridging divides between our lands and our skies?

These sacred places tell stories full of earthly and cosmic dances. There is a wonder and a marvel in the connection to this natural world and how we fit into the greater cosmic story of abundance. An ancient wisdom. A knowing. A sense. A connection. Medicine. They tether us to our natural laws and ancient relationships.

In these places of deep spiritual reverence, culture and story, from within the wombs of our ancient civilizations, we have learnt and have rememberings of symbiotic relationships with our earthly and cosmic ecosystems.

Visiting these places in our modern post, industrialised, present day, there is a re imagining of a once embodied world in a now chronically disassociated world from its natural wonder and law. Burdened by its separateness. It seems we may be a long way from home.

Slowly but surely over the last few thousand years we have moved more and more away from our nature and into a time of knowledge that seems otherworldly. A tech world, full of structures and machines that tend to remove us and continue to separate us from nature. Pull us away from our environments. Shacked up in shelters, protecting ourselves from the elements, moving inside of vehicles for the pleasure of haste, consistently removed, displaced from feeling into the connection with our nature.

So what does this mean for us and our health, In particular our nutritional health?

Throughout my lived experiences in both health and wellness, as a practitioner and as a patient, nature has always had a profound part to play in the journey back into the well of my being and that of my clients. We are after all, but an expression of nature herself. A part to the sum of this diverse planet's fauna, flora and supporting ecosystems.

The laws of nature are fundamentally our own governing forces. They are, after all, our undeniable reasoning for being. And yet here we are.

Yet as human beings living in this timeline of our earthly experiences in 2022, our symbiotic relationship, as complex organisms born unto this natural world for most of the 7 billion of us, just isn't a relationship that we revere let alone are informed, inspired and empowered by.

We have disconnected from our own very nature. Our biology, our physiology, our manifestation, our symbiotic relationship with the earth.

Why, when and how did we get so disconnected from our early governance. From the very laws that nature exist upon. How did we become so removed? So grossly disconnected from our nature, our ecologies? So far from home?

We experience this disconnect as a dis harmony, an imbalance, as dis ease, as ill ness. It is a suffering, a chronic reduction of potential and opportunity, completely dis empowering.

Unfortunately in our own evolutionary pathway we have grossly disconnected from our own very nature. Our biology, our physiology, our manifestation, our symbiotic relationship with the earth and as a result we are suffering, our bodies are suffering and our planet is suffering.

Slowly but surely over the last few thousand years we have moved more and more away from our natural world and into a time of knowledge that seems of its own force of nature. A tech world, a digital world, full of structures and machines that tend to remove us and continue to separate us from our natures. Pulling us away from our environments. Dis engaging us from sensing the governance of the natural world, her seasons, her rhythms, her cycles. We fail to connect into this relationship. We fail to listen. We fail to know our own bodies and path into being well .

We experience this disconnect as a dis harmony, an imbalance, in our own bodies, our elemental bodies, our emotional bodies, our energetic bodies, as dis ease, as ill ness. It is a suffering, a chronic reduction of potential and opportunity and a dis empowering state of being.

This very disempowered place is chronically self perpetuated. As the divide feels too expansive and grand, the chasm too vast and open. the wounds and crevasses too deep to overcome. It is a place on bitter inaction, void of momentum, belief and connection.

A simple act of generosity and trust in this presence of now is all it takes to spark this connection back home.

Let’s get you reconnected. Lets get you on your journey home…

Charlott Kisvarda