MARCH: Self~Love
Join us for a 2 hour community workshop exploring what self love is, what it feels like, what it looks like and how, when we deepen our love for self, our life experiences can be radically transformed and empowered.
On the flip side, a lack of self love weaves itself into a pit of inherent lack that then tends to show up in many critical parts of our lives.
In our personal and intimate relationships with others, how we work and play, how we dream and seek pleasure and or pain.
Sophia Marie Lightfoot will be joining us as our guest facilitator bringing her highly developed skills as a Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) Practitioner. Sophia will be conducting an RTT group session, so that we as individuals, may experience both the benefits of RTT and to gain a greater sense of self worth and confidence with some very real and practical resources that enable a greater sense of self love.
You are invited to gift yourself this experience so that you may feel empowered to love yourself more wholeheartedly and feel a greater sense of wellbeing and satisfaction with your life.
Shine Community Monthly Events, held the first Sunday of every month.
We are hosting monthly workshops at our Shine studio in Kalorama, every first Sunday of the month. Topics for each month coincide with the topics we have in our Shine online membership.
Cost of these monthly events is $49, all Shine members receive 20% off.